Week 6
Video: Meiji Transformation & Rise of Modern Japan
- READ: Chapter 20 – Meiji Transformation (1868-1900) to answer DQ #5.
- READ: Chapter 22 – Rise of Modern Japan to answer DQ #5.
- Start reading Under the Black Umbrella
- DQ #5 is Due.
- Watch the 1st half of, “The Last Samurai.” Amazon Link
- Summary #7: Excerpts from Fukuzawa Yukichi, Good-Bye Asia (1885).
DQ #5
How did Japan’s response to the crisis differ from China’s? What accounts for these very different responses? How did the Meiji Restoration transform Japan? How did people in Japan respond to the rapid changes of the Meiji era? What are some of the things Meiji modernizers learned from Western nations?
The Meiji “Restoration” or Transformation
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